Richmond Pinball Collective
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Preplay Sheet: Flipside Pinball League Winter 2025

Use this form to help record preplay scores. Preplays are used when you have a planned or unplanned absence from a scheduled league meet. Here are some helpful guidelines for doing preplays...

If you have any questions, please ask a league officer for assistance!

Preplay for Date Player 8 Ball Deluxe Addams Family BlackOut Centaur Cosmic Gunfight Deadpool

Preplay for Date Player Demolition Man Dirty Harry Elvira F-14 Tomcat Fastbreak Flip Flop

Preplay for Date Player Foo Fighters Game of Thrones Gator Gorgar Harlem Hurricane

Preplay for Date Player Iron Maiden Iron Man James Bond JAWS Jumping Jack Jungle Lord

Preplay for Date Player KISS Metalica Night Moves No Fear Paragon Pool Sharks

Preplay for Date Player Radical Rush Scorpion Shadow Simpsons SW Episode 1

Preplay for Date Player T2 Taxi Time Fantasy WC Soccer 94 Wheel Of Fortune White Water

Preplay for Date Player Wizard X-Men