Brian Garbera | 73 | Middle of the Road, Double Jackpot, Missed a Spot ... |
Allen Foglesong | 69 | Luck of the Irish, Speed, Did Your Time ... |
Kevin Kuntz | 68 | Commander in Chief, Centurion, Dreamer ... |
Robert Peters | 68 | Beating the Odds, Late Bloomer, Jackpot ... |
Clark Fraley | 67 | Most Improved, Snake Eyeses, Did Your Time ... |
Katherine Dodge | 67 | Billionaire Club, Super Jackpot, Amethyst ... |
Scott Durfee | 67 | Weiner, Red Line, Stamina ... |
Chris Buford | 67 | Red Line Mania, Lollipop, Game Room ... |
Laura Fraley | 64 | Lucky Break, Player For All Seasons, Explorer ... |
Lee Householder | 63 | Centurion, Close Shave, Top Banana ... |
Scott Searcy | 62 | Explorer, Did Your Time, Amber ... |
Wayne Settle | 62 | Cherry Picker, Double Jackpot, Top Banana ... |
Matt DeWorken | 61 | Jackpot, Most Improved, Buck Fitty ... |
Avery Pierce | 58 | Low Rise, Covering the Bases, Sweet Freedom ... |
Malik Berger | 58 | Arcade, Head of the Class, Jackpot ... |
Chris Morgan | 58 | Missed a Spot, Clone, Octuple Jackpot ... |
Rob Pannell | 57 | Red Line Mania, Octuple Jackpot, Explorer ... |
Mackenzie Foglesong | 57 | Old School, Two-fer, Triple Jackpot ... |
Raymond Fauber | 52 | Clone, Game Room, Septuple Jackpot ... |
Ryan Shapiro | 52 | Going for Gold, Yo-Yo, Speed ... |
Dan Farrell | 52 | Head of the Class, Speed, Lucky Sevens ... |
Scott Szczesniak | 52 | Red Line Mania, Quadruple Jackpot, Strength ... |
Dan Cotter | 52 | Strength, Red Line, Head of the Class ... |
Jon Cohodas | 50 | Arcade, Sweet Freedom, Centurion ... |
Chris Terrell | 50 | Dreamer, Yo-Yo, Player For All Seasons ... |
Curtis Monk | 50 | Lucky Break, Centurion, Game Room ... |
Caroline Creekman | 48 | Cherry Picker, Red Line Mania, Sextuple Jackpot ... |
James Zdrowski | 48 | Museum, Amber, Top Banana ... |
Dale Price | 47 | Dreamer, Jackpot, Player For All Seasons ... |
Roger Eaker | 46 | Triple Jackpot, Close Shave, Strong Finish ... |
Shawn Dodge | 44 | Cherry Picker, Explorer, Triple Jackpot ... |
Bob Kuntz | 44 | Museum, Triple Scoop, Crushing Victory ... |
David George | 44 | Stamina, Best in Show, Old School ... |
David Grimes | 42 | Commander in Chief, Yo-Yo, Sweet Freedom ... |
Dave Weaver | 41 | En Fuego, Quintuple Jackpot, Game Room ... |
Gary Lombardo | 40 | Going for Gold, Finish Line, Buck and a Qtar ... |
Dan Purdy | 40 | Jackpot, Lucky Sevens, Centurion ... |
David Friend | 40 | Mirror Mirror, Did Your Time, Red Line Mania ... |
Andi Richardson | 38 | Clone, Buck and a Qtar, Did Your Time ... |
Tom Geiger | 38 | Billionaire Club, Daily Double, Player For All Seasons ... |
Joe Boelshe | 38 | Best in Show, Double Jackpot, Triple Jackpot ... |
Anson Kessinger | 38 | Did Your Time, Pwnage, Red Line Mania ... |
Jessy Kennedy | 38 | Game Room, Power Points, Going for Gold ... |
Alex Belden | 37 | Billionaire Club, Cherry Picker, Explorer ... |
Justin Consuegra | 36 | Finish Line, Strength, Buck and a Qtar ... |
Scott McIntyre | 34 | Centurion, Best in Show, Strong Finish ... |
Eric Fisher | 34 | Deja Vu, Double Jackpot, Jackpot ... |
Whit Powell | 34 | Did Your Time, Consistency, Mirror Mirror ... |
Michael Tyler | 34 | Good Soldier, Daily Double, Consistency ... |
Dale Schiltz | 34 | Yo-Yo, Triple Jackpot, Missed a Spot ... |
Jeff McElhannon | 33 | Triple Scoop, Red Line, Billionaire Club ... |
Jim Klingenberg | 33 | Consistency, Dreamer, Finish Line ... |
Mick Cavanaugh | 33 | Speed, Explorer, Museum ... |
Eric Stansbury | 32 | Billionaire Club, Top Banana, Speed ... |
Chris Guy | 30 | Finish Line, Lollipop, Did Your Time ... |
dalas verdugo | 29 | Pwnage, Lucky Break, Buck and a Qtar ... |
Erin Comerford | 28 | Pwnage, Missed a Spot, Deja Vu ... |
Christopher Seaver | 28 | Buck Fitty, Explorer, Missed a Spot ... |
John Quagliano | 28 | Red Line Mania, Buck Fitty, Missed a Spot ... |
Zephyr Mann | 26 | Crushing Victory, Finish Line, Centurion ... |
Tim Potts | 25 | Buck Fitty, Jackpot, Cherry Picker ... |
Alex Glaser | 25 | Speed, Arcade, Lucky Break ... |
Linsley Moseberth | 25 | Double Jackpot, Red Line, Dreamer ... |
Tony Wittrien | 25 | Red Line, Lucky Break, Hell Yes ... |
Zach Stewart | 24 | Consistency, Best in Show, Finish Line ... |
Kevin Davis | 24 | Lucky Break, Jackpot, Game Room ... |
Chris Johnston | 22 | Red Line Mania, Power Points, Consistency ... |
Ben Henshaw | 22 | Explorer, Jackpot, Red Line ... |
Bayless Rutherford | 21 | Speed, Finish Line, Centurion ... |
Tyler Keylon | 21 | Buck and a Qtar, Old School, Jackpot ... |
Matt Cooper | 20 | Explorer, Pwnage, Buck and a Qtar ... |
Jena Heddings | 20 | Crushing Victory, Jackpot, Buck Fitty ... |
Mark Starkey | 20 | Snake Eyeses, Speed, Finish Line ... |
Matthew Larsen | 19 | Missed a Spot, Pwnage, Finish Line ... |
Dylan Hughes | 19 | Game Room, Explorer, Consistency ... |
Everett Haddard | 19 | Centurion, Best in Show, Finish Line ... |
Brian Consuegra | 18 | Red Line, Weiner, Game Room ... |
Justin Litterst | 18 | Lucky Break, Red Line, Speed ... |
Lance Keylon | 17 | Power Points, Centurion, Clone ... |
Susan Kennedy | 17 | Low Rise, Hit the Mark, Crushing Victory ... |
Lauren Deluca | 17 | Red Line, Consistency, Cherry Picker ... |
Mark Beerbower | 17 | Weiner, Strength, Pwnage ... |
Lee White | 17 | Buck and a Qtar, Yo-Yo, Finish Line ... |
Will Skinner | 17 | Power Points, Game Room, Missed a Spot ... |
J.P. Sneed | 16 | Centurion, Jackpot, Missed a Spot ... |
Brandon Noel | 16 | Speed, Lucky Break, Red Line ... |
Joe Carragher | 13 | Speed, Consistency, Billionaire Club ... |
Jeffery Rettberg | 13 | Speed, Cherry Picker, Game Room ... |
Sam Rugg | 12 | Yo-Yo, Lucky Break, Missed a Spot ... |
Sean Goodwin | 11 | Middle of the Road, Missed a Spot, Finish Line ... |
Omar Ansari | 11 | Centurion, Speed, Missed a Spot ... |
Rachel Dorn | 11 | Lucky Break, Deja Vu, Crushing Victory ... |
Erin Bereyso | 10 | Yo-Yo, Game Room, Red Line Mania ... |
Shane Russell | 10 | Finish Line, Game Room, Yo-Yo ... |
Emma Forester | 9 | Crushing Victory, Red Line Mania, WTF?! ... |
Zach Catel | 9 | Best in Show, Missed a Spot, Slick Flipper ... |
Barry McDaniel | 9 | Arcade, Missed a Spot, Close Shave ... |
Kimberly Tate | 8 | Crushing Victory, Consistency, Game Room ... |
Steve Barkley | 7 | Crushing Victory, Weiner, Groundhog Day ... |
Graham Jones | 7 | Consistency, Red Line, Power Points ... |
Veronica Parker | 7 | Power Points, Game Room, Consistency ... |
Sam Garbera | 7 | Red Line, Finish Line, Head of the Class ... |
Annie Dunnington | 6 | Low Rise, Crushing Victory, Cherry Picker ... |
Mike Natale | 5 | Crushing Victory, Yo-Yo, Weiner ... |
Marc Bein | 5 | Red Line, Low Rise, Cherry Picker ... |
Ted Stanton | 5 | Lucky Break, Mirror Mirror, Crushing Victory ... |
Travis Love | 5 | Red Line Mania, Pwnage, Low Rise ... |
Chris Dague | 4 | Yo-Yo, Explorer, Red Line ... |
Larry D'Arcangelo | 4 | Lollipop, Weiner, Crushing Victory ... |
Don Fortier | 3 | Low Rise, Red Line, Lucky Break |
Shannon Honaker | 3 | Red Line Mania, Red Line, Lucky Break |
CJ Crumbaugh | 2 | Red Line, Red Line Mania |
Shannon Lucy | 2 | Crushing Victory, Red Line |
Kenny Spencer | 2 | Old School, Cherry Picker |
Sean Palmer | 1 | Low Rise |
Tom Porter | 1 | Low Rise |